1950s Retro Spaghettios & Franks Jello Mold Cake

Behold.. the weird Spagetti-O’s Jello Mold from hell! I made this as a joke.. because I thought it looked cool and fun. Turns out this is not so fun, and it is more of an abomination that should not have existed, and I am very sorry. I’m sure this was all the rage back in 1950 though.. make sure you have a good jello mold before you try this!


Prep Time 5 M
Cook Time 10 M
Recipe Yield 1 big weird Spaghetti-O cake

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  1. Combine the water and tomato soup in a large saucepan on medium high heat.

  2. Gently stir as you mix in the gelatin. Continue stirring slowly for 5 minutes. Continue stirring until there are no lumps of gelatin.

  3. Pour the mixture into your jello mold. Refrigerate for 4-5 hours at least.

  4. When you’re ready to serve this, you can use warm water to loosen the cake from the mold. This may not work as well if you’re using a silicone mold, you will need to make sure the water is really hot if you want it to get through the silicone.

  5. Enjoy! I kind of doubt anyone actually will, but I can always hope..





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