Cherry Bomb Jello Shots

Cherry Jello and Vodka are a match made in heaven. Simple, delicious, and easy to make. These Cherry Bomb Jello Shots are THE BOMB, so please proceed with CAUTION!

Prep Time 10 M
Cook Time 5 M
Recipe Yield 36 Shots

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  1. Gather all of the ingredients, we’re about to make CHERRY BOMB JELLO SHOTS!

  2. Bring one cup of water to a boil. I recommend you use an electric kettle—they boil fast!

  3. Into a mixing bowl, add the contents of 1 box of CHERRY JELLO to the boiling water, and continue stirring until all Jello is dissolved, which will take about 1 minute. Then turn the heat off. Pour in your, hopefully, ICE COLD liquor and stir for 1 more minute. Science says that your shots will solidify better in the fridge if your liquor is as cold as possible when you add it to the boiling hot Jello.

  4. Prepare your shot cups! Drop a lovely maraschino cherry into each cup! For an added bonus.. soak the cherries in vodka for 24 hours before this step!Also as a PRO TIP.. I recommend using larger than normal plastic shot cups, as I show in the photos. You can get wide mouthed 2oz jello shot cups fairly cheap.

  5. After everything is totally dissolved, pour the mixture into little plastic shot glass cups. Be careful not to burn yourself! If you want to be really safe about it, check out the “Jellinator”, it may save you a lot of cleanup!

  6. Let set in the refrigerator for up to a few hours, or until the jello if firm and bouncy to the touch. Enjoy responsibly! You could also think about leaving the Vodka out for a tasty non-alcoholic treat!





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