How to Make Jello Shots

Welcome to Making Jello Shots 101! Making jello shots is super easy and a sure way to light the fire at your party, so to speak!

So, alright now kids gather ’round! We’re about to tell the story of how JELLO SHOTS came to town! And we’ll tell you how to make them too! Did you know that the earliest published example of a Jello Shot Recipe was literally printed in 1862—you can see it right here in the Jerry Thomas Bartenders Guide! People in the 1800s really knew how to party.. and they craved new means with which to party! This may not have been specifically a shot made with Jello, but it was the forerunner to the jello shot.

An 1950’s American singer, Mr. Tom Lehrer, says he was the one that invented the Jello Shot, in order to bypass the strict alcohol restrictions of the military base that he was stationed on. Now THIS is the type of American ingenuity that built our country! Hats off to you, Mr Lehrer, sir!

One last thing.. when making Jello Shots, there is one huge thing to remember..  make sure your booze is as COLD as possible when you combine it with the the hot jello.. as this helps to make “THE BEST JELLO SHOT”.

So now that we’re primed on the history, and the why to making jello shots, let’s have a look at the ingredient list.

See all of our Jello Shot recipes here!

Prep Time 10 M
Cook Time 5 M
Recipe Yield 18 jello shots

Helpful Tools & Things:

Make jello shots with grace and ease, with these highly rated products!

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  1. Bring the tonic water to a boil. Use an electric kettle—they boil fast!

  2. In a mixing bowl, add the contents of 1 box of jello to the boiling water, and continue stirring until all Jello is dissolved, which will take about 1 minute. Then turn the heat off. Pour in your, hopefully, ICE COLD liquor and stir for 1 more minute. Science says that your shots will solidify better in the fridge if your liquor is as cold as possible when you add it to the boiling hot Jello.

  3. After everything is totally dissolved, pour the mixture into little plastic shot glass cups. If you want to be really safe about it, check out The Jellinator!!!

  4. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours, and the jello shots will be ready to enjoy!


  • If all of the powdered gelatin mix is not fully dissolved, you will get uneven Jello. The part with the undissolved gelatin will be very rubbery.. for you people that are into that sort of thing though.

  • The colder the alcohol when you add it to the mix, the better your jello shots will be. If you’re using 80 proof or higher alcohol, you can keep it safely in the freezer until it’s time to add. This will produce the optimum results for making the perfect Jello shots.





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